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North West Syria: Two Children among Several Killed in Syria Airstrikes and Shelling

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (June 10, 2021)—  Save the Children, and its partners can confirm that at least two children, aged three and 11, are among those killed today in a spate of airstrikes and shelling attacks in the town of Iblin, on the outskirts of the north western city of Idlib in Syria.

Several other people were reportedly injured, including children. The casualties were reported as airstrikes and artillery continued to target several towns in the Zawiya Mountain area.

Save the Children’s Syria Response Director, Sonia Khush said:

“It is outrageous that innocent children and civilians have to bear the brunt of yet another violation of the ceasefire in North West Syria. A mother and her child woke up this morning to the horrors of shelling and were killed in their home. 

“Only yesterday, a school run by one of our partners in an Idlib displacement camp was hit, damaging a tent that was a safe space for dozens of children. Children’s lives, homes, and education are often the first target in conflicts – and this needs to stop. 

“All parties to the conflict must adhere completely to the ceasefire agreed last year in order to protect children and civilians. Grave violations committed against innocent individuals and should be put to an end.”

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