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A Year of Impact: 2022 Annual Report

Through Save the Children’s work – every second of every day – a hungry child is fed, a sick child gets care, a young mind is learning, a vulnerable child is protected or a family gains tools to overcome poverty.

Save the Children programs and partners helped 118 million children, in 116 countries become healthier, safer and better educated. 

On Behalf of the World's Children

Dear friends,

Yet again in 2022, crises with a devastating impact on children dominated global headlines.

Historic flooding in Kentucky and Pakistan. The lingering effects of COVID-19 on educational achievement and mental health.

The ongoing war in Ukraine, the subsequent displacement of more than 14 million people, and the wider impact of increased food prices and disrupted supply chains.

Save the Children was among the first organizations to respond in each of these of these cases, backed by the extraordinary generosity of supporters who came together to help Save the Children generate more than $1 billion in revenue in the U.S. alone in 2022. The number in and of itself doesn’t demonstrate impact. What we do with it does. We are there before, during and after a crisis, ensuring children survive, are protected and have access to a quality education.

Many of the greatest threats facing children today – and the circumstances where Save the Children’s work is most critical – receive far less attention. For example, nearly 300 million people, many of them children, across 80 countries, are at risk of acute food insecurity or famine as a result of a global hunger crisis. 

In the pages that follow, you’ll get a glimpse into just a few places where we’re working to help realize a brighter future for children. 

You’ll hear from Aracely and Edward, whose four children enjoyed access to regular fresh food boxes and learning activities from our mobile feeding unit in rural California.

You’ll hear from Maria Elena from Quiche, Guatemala, where Save the Children is working with local farmers to provide school meals. 

And you’ll meet Rakib, reunited with his family after he went missing in the camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

These stories and many more remind us of the potential of young people everywhere and our shared humanity that could and should bind us, rather than divide us.

Janti Soeripto President & CEO

Janti Soeripto
President & CEO

Brad Irwin Chair, Save the Children Board of Trustees

Brad Irwin
Chair, Save the Children Board of Trustees

Download a PDF version of the 2022 Annual Report

Our 2022 Financials

In more than 100 years of change for children, we're please to report that some things remain steadfast, including our financial strength and continued growth. 

Review our detailed financials.

2022 annual report bar chart

2022 Year in Review

In 2022, we celebrate the many achievements for children and their fundamental rights to health, education and protection. Save the Children looks forward to building a better world for children in 2023. We’ve been doing whatever it takes for children for the past 100 years and will continue to make sure to keep them healthy, learning and safe. With supporters like you, we can build a better world for children.