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A Save the Children worker hands out supplies

Save the Children staff and volunteers distribute food boxes to Eastern Kentucky families. Photo by Shawn Millsaps for Save the Children.

Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation Gives Save the Children $1 Million to Fight Child Hunger across Rural America

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (March 16, 2021) – Save the Children has received a $1 million gift from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation to support the humanitarian organization’s continued efforts to combat child hunger across rural America.

“Child hunger is on the rise across America due to COVID-19, putting children’s growth, development and well-being at risk. One hungry child is one too many,” said Betsy Zorio, Vice President of Save the Children’s U.S. Programs. “Save the Children is very grateful to the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation for their generous support to help us ensure bellies of the most vulnerable children remain full during this challenging time.”

Half of this gift, $500,000, will be used to help customize five school buses for delivering meals and educational materials to children living in some of America’s most impoverished and isolated rural communities. The buses will be deployed in California, Mississippi, South Carolina, Washington and West Virginia. The other half of the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation’s gift will help support Save the Children’s rural child hunger relief efforts, at large.

“These buses will have a direct impact on the communities that need it most," said Alexandra Cohen, President, Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation. “We are proud to partner with Save the Children in their rural hunger relief efforts, and the crucial services that these mobile feeding and learning stations will deliver.”

Save the Children’s recently-released 2021 Childhood Report found there are an estimated 17 million hungry children in America – 6 million more than before the pandemic. The report also found that close to 1 in 5 U.S. families reported they did not have enough food to eat in December 2020.

With the help of partners such as the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation – who previously donated $500,000 in 2020 to Save the Children’s COVID response efforts – Save the Children has helped prepare and deliver nearly 21 million meals since the start of the pandemic.

The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation is committed to inspiring philanthropy and community service by creating awareness, offering guidance, and leading by example to show the world what giving can do. The Foundation's grants support nonprofit organizations based in the United States that either help people in need or solve complex problems. The Foundation also spearheads grassroots campaigns to encourage others to give. For more information, visit

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. Since our founding more than 100 years ago, we've been advocating for the rights of children worldwide. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming the future we share. Our results, financial statements and charity ratings reaffirm that Save the Children is a charity you can trust. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.