Bvlgari and Save the Children
Since beginning its unique partnership in 2009 with Save the Children, Bvlgari has raised over $105 million globally through sales of an iconic Save the Children jewelry collection. More than half a million people have purchased the signature pieces, including a ring, a bracelet and a pendant. Funds raised through the partnership have been invested in over 120 projects, reaching more than 2 million at-risk children and youth through education, emergency response, poverty reduction and youth empowerment programs. In the United States, Bvlgari is a generous supporter of Save the Children’s education programs and, most notably, Arte di Bvlgari.

Arte di Bvlgari
Arte di Bvlgari incorporates elements of social-emotional learning and delivers programming both in-school and remotely through art lesson and learning packets, providing gift-in-kind art supplies, books and creative materials to students at home.

Cause-Related Marketing
In honor of Mother’s Day, Bvlgari annually donates a percentage of U.S. online and in store sales to support Save the Children’s Arte di Bvlgari programs in Texas and California. Save the Children’s Arte di Bvlgari program began in 2019 by providing an arts curriculum to children who do not have access to such enrichment opportunities as a way to help them develop self-confidence, self-efficacy, and self-awareness. Since the program launch, Save the Children’s Arte di Bvlgari Program has extended into the summer months, bringing an arts curriculum to SummerBoost Camp programs in California and Texas. In 2021, programming in California expanded to 18 sites in San Bernardino County and Fresno County to reach even more children with Arte di Bvlgari arts enrichment programming. With Bvlgari’s support, Save the Children is also continuing to provide children and families in local communities with health and hygiene resources and materials to help keep kids safe, healthy, and learning during the pandemic.
In 2024, a new campaign #WithMeWithYou focuses on the connection between those who are part of the chain of solidarity created by Bulgari and Save the Children. Fronted by Bulgari Global Brand Ambassador Anne Hathaway, it honors over 15 years of partnership, progress and meaningful work to support the world’s most vulnerable children.

Celebrity Engagement
Renowned photographer Fabrizio Ferri has played a critical role in the partnership’s continued success through his portrait collection of almost 250 celebrities. The collection features personalities from around the world wearing the Save the Children jewelry collection with their raised hands symbolizing the message to “STOP. THINK. GIVE.”
Several celebrities involved in the partnership have actively engaged in field visits to Save the Children programs and observed firsthand the impact of our partnership. Among them, Adrien Brody visited several project sites in Nepal supported by Save the Children in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake. Most recently, actress and model Suki Waterhouse visited our U.S. Program sites in California. To mark Giving Tuesday, Bulgari unveiled #GiveHope, an interactive social campaign using Instagram stories posted by influencers to support our work around the globe.

Educating Children
To date, Save the Children’s Bvlgari-supported programs have reached over 2 million children and trained nearly 68,000 teachers through educational activities and initiatives in nearly 5,000 schools. Many of the schools are in areas affected by conflict, extreme poverty or emergencies. Bvlgari’s donations benefit our programs for children in 36 countries, including: Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, Montenegro, Mozambique, Serbia, Spain, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda, the U.K., the U.S., Vietnam, and Zambia.