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Corporate Partnerships

Partnerships between the private sector and INGOs can transform your business and have a positive, social impact. In partnership, we generate breakthrough solutions to drive economic development and sustainable impact for the world’s most marginalized children and their families.

Our world-class team can work with you to create a shared value partnership, compelling marketing initiatives and engage employees. Our partners benefit from improved brand lift, increased sales, engaged employees, a boost in customer loyalty and access to key global market knowledge and expertise.

To discuss partnership opportunities, please complete an inquiry form and email it to [email protected].

To learn more about making an investment across key mission-aligned areas, please read our Impact for Investing series on Early Childhood Education, Global Health, Early Childhood Education in the US, Literacy, and Youth Economic Opportunities.

Explore our diverse portfolio of multi-faceted partnerships with leading companies – aligning business objectives with a social mission.
Join forces on an integrated consumer-facing campaign to increase sales, engage new consumers and build consumer loyalty.
Rally employees, increase morale, foster team building, and promote the company’s social investment strategy through our various company-wide engagement opportunities.
Be a leader in the wake of a global emergency and show your commitment to employees and consumers that might be affected by crisis.
Collaborate with Save the Children by providing the supplies we need to optimize our impact in the U.S. and internationally.
Save the Children welcomes corporations to lend their expertise and resources on a pro-bono basis to provide marketing, business and technology solutions.