Accenture and Save the Children
Accenture and Save the Children share a vision for creating a more prosperous and secure future for young people. Among the 200 million people worldwide actively seeking work, a disproportionate share – 75 million – are youth and young adults under the age of 25. This demographic landscape represents not only a crucial development challenge, but also a tremendous source of human capital and economic opportunity. Our partnership builds programming that strengthens employability and employment outcomes for youth in safe and decent jobs and breaks the intergenerational cycle of poverty.
Addressing the Global Skills Gap – Together

Preparing young people for a sustainable future
Our partnership equips youth with the skills they need to get a job or build a business. Together, our 12-year partnership has equipped nearly 185,000 people through skilling initiatives. Accenture and Save the Children have created programming in more than a dozen countries with the support of government agencies, schools, training providers, nonprofits and employers, expanding the reach of Save the Children to youth in Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico and Vietnam.
Our newest global grant will focus on investing in a green economy and social justice for in- and out-of-school youth, supporting youth-led advocacy to drive social and environmental change, and leveraging technology for digital skilling. This investment has the potential to help an estimated additional 70,000 young people—a majority of whom will get a job, start their own business or continue their education—and support 5,000 adults in helping youth achieve these outcomes. Our partnership will leverage the best of our capabilities, and together, we aim to create a sustainable future for all.

Leveraging Technology for Development
Our partnership is advancing the use of technology to bring solutions to scale. Integrating technology into our program has been critical to successfully addressing the global youth skills gap and societal barriers. We are building web-based and mobile solutions that connect youth to e-learning modules that build on classroom training; job matching platforms that link youth to employers and available jobs; social media and SMS for behavior change and skills development; and beneficiary tracking systems to monitor employment and retention.
Together, we are co-creating a virtual reality training tool, BecaXR, to bring the classroom to life to help poor vocational school students and out-of-school youth visualize potential career pathways and the skills they would need to be successful in that path. The goal of the collaboration is to design, develop and test the BecaXR to supplement both classroom training and access to hard-to-reach youth to improve the employability skills of youth in the Skills to Succeed program.

Evidence and Thought Leadership
Accenture and Save the Children are leading a global movement to help fill the need for skilled and talented youth around the world. Through this work, we are continuously testing innovative approaches to training, including the effectiveness of a blended learning model that uses e-learning to complement traditional classroom learning. We are also working to understand and build evidence around integrated approaches, such as whether adding financial capability improves employment outcomes. And we’ve developed a psychometric tool to monitor the impact of our training on employability skills. Our partnership is focused on delivering quality and impactful programs, using results to continuously improve, so youth can secure safe and decent jobs.