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Almost 90% of U.S. foreign aid contracts have been cut, putting 170 million children’s lives at risk. If the gaps in funding aren’t met, 225,000 pregnant women and over 2,000 children under two face increased risk of malnutrition.

Join us in making sure children everywhere know they haven’t been forgotten. You can save children's lives and futures.

Help Children in Tanzania

Tanzania is home to some of the world's hardest to reach children.

The United Republic of Tanzania, as it is officially known, is the largest country in East Africa and one of the continent’s most politically stable. It is home to Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain, and Serengeti National Park, as well as Olduvai Gorge, a rich archaeological site often called “the cradle of civilization.”

However, Tanzania remains a poor country, with a majority of the population struggling as subsistence farmers on semi-arid land. Moreover, the country currently struggles to host some 200,000 refugees from neighboring Burundi.

Children represent 51% of Tanzania’s population. But only 16% of children are currently registered at birth, according to the latest Tanzania surveys. And that percentage is even lower in rural areas, making it harder to identify and help children in need.

With high child mortality and a lack of access to basic services, there is much work to be done to help Tanzania’s children survive and thrive.

Challenges for Children in Tanzania

While Tanzania recognizes child rights and has made important progress, children continue to suffer shocking levels of child mortality, malnutrition, lack of education and early marriage. Tanzania’s children need your help.

1 child in 19 dies before their 5th birthday, 8 times the U.S. rate

32% of children suffer from stunting due to malnutrition

40% of children are out of school, with 24% engaged in child labor, instead of learning

22% of girls (ages 15-19) are married, and 1 in 8 gives birth – with 27% of girls (ages 15+) struggling to read and write

23% of people live in poverty


Our Results for Children in Tanzania

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to change the lives of over 853,000 children in Tanzania last year.


Twelve-year-old Sarah’s* favorite subject is math, and she wants to finish school and become an accountant someday. Thanks to you, she may get that chance. *Child’s name changed for protection.

1,502,000 children healthy and nourished

118,000 children educated and empowered

145,000 children protected from harm

99,000 children aided in crisis

Our Work for Children in Tanzania

Save the Children began working in Tanzania in 1986. Today, we are a leading charity for children across the country.

We help children in Tanzania by working closely with communities at the local level and advocating for change at the national level. Through programs in child survival, maternal and child health and nutrition, education, food security and livelihoods, child protection and emergency response, we’re working to ensure Tanzania’s children not only survive, but thrive.

Here are some recent examples of our work:

A healthy start in life

  • In rural Tanzania, we’re working to reduce the number of heath care-associated infections and deaths through our Bold Action to Stop Infections in Clinical Settings (BASICS) approach
  • We’re leading Lishe Endelevu (named for “sustained nutrition” in Swahili), a four-year (2018-2022) USAID-funded project to decrease stunting and improve nutrition, focusing on women of reproductive age, children under 5 and adolescent girls, with an intended reach in the millions
  • We’re partnering with the World Food Program on a project (2017-2021) to implement community-based nutrition and agriculture programs
  • We’re working with children and young people as agents of change for better health through our Adolescent Health and Rights project – empowering them to make informed decisions about their health and preparing them to protect themselves, for a productive and fulfilling life
  • Recent results from our USAID-funded Maternal and Child Survival Program in Tanzania (2014–2018) indicate that social accountability approaches can play a vital role in improving the quality of health services and increasing health facility utilization

The opportunity to learn

  • Through our innovative Enabling Teachers approach, we demonstrated the results of developing teachers’ competencies, with 68% of teachers progressing up one or more levels in at least six competencies, teachers engaged in appropriate learning activities 83% of the time they were teaching, and 67% of teachers’ lessons engaging all students in the learning activity

Protection from harm

  • We’re supporting children’s councils, with seats reserved for the most excluded groups, like girls, providing a powerful way for girls to build their confidence, voice their opinions and ensure their perspectives are heard

How You Can Help Children in Tanzania

You can create change that lasts a lifetime for children in Tanzania – in so many ways.

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Sources: Facts and statistics have been sourced from Save the Children’s monitoring and evaluation experts, as well as our thought leadership publications, including our Global Childhood Report 2020 report. Other sources include CIA World Factbook and BBC Country Profiles.


Photo: Martin Kharumwa / Save the Children.