Help Children in Nepal
Rich in cultural heritage, with the magnificence of Mount Everest and the Himalayas as a backdrop,
landlocked Nepal remains one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world.
In 2015, Nepal suffered one of recorded history’s most severe earthquakes, causing tragic, widespread death and destruction. Since then, despite progress, reconstruction has been slow, and desperately needed aid for Nepal’s children remains uneven.
The good news: Because children represent nearly 40% of the population, investments in Nepal’s children today
will define the country’s progress tomorrow.
Challenges for Children in Nepal
Nepal’s children can’t wait. Despite progress, children continue to face multiple challenges – including preventable child deaths, malnutrition, children forced to work and girls forced from school and into early marriage and motherhood.
1 child in 31 dies before their 5th birthday – 4 times that of the United States
40% of girls age 15+ struggle to read and write
36% of children suffer from stunting due to severe malnutrition
27% of girls ages 15-19 are married, and 1 in 15 gives birth
22% of children are engaged in child labor, instead of learning
25% of people live in poverty

Our Results for Children in Nepal
Thanks to the support of caring people like you, we changed the lives of over 741,000 children in Nepal and neighboring Bhutan last year – giving them the chance to grow up healthy, educated and safe, so they can realize their potential.
Puran, just starting 7th grade, has big dreams. Someday, doctor Puran will help children like Save the Children is helping him now – by providing access to good health and hygiene services, so they can focus on learning. Watch to learn Puran’s favorite school subjects!
213,000 children healthy and nourished
307,000 children educated and empowered
105,000 children protected from harm
44,000 children lifted from poverty
117,000 children aided in crisis
Our Work for Children in Nepal
A healthy start in life
- Since 2019, we have led The Healthy Transitions for Nepali Youth Project which supports unmarried and married adolescent girls and young women aged 15–24 years as they transition to marriage and parenthood, while also improving reproductive, maternal and newborn health services to ensure they are available and responsive to their needs.
- Since 2019 we have also partner on the USAID-funded Research for Scalable Solutions consortium project which aims to generate evidence to inform feasible, sustainable strategies for cost-effective, high-impact practices and self-care interventions at scale and with equitable coverage.
- Since 2000, we helped achieve a 59% reduction in child morality.
- We helped develop a national newborn health strategy and package, with plans for nationwide coverage.
- Across the country, we’re helping roll out a community-based program to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.
- We’re managing a life-changing government cash transfer program for some of Nepal’s most marginalized children.
The opportunity to learn
- We achieved an up to 25% increase in attendance at Save the Children-supported early learning centers.
- We’re educating 500 of Nepal’s most marginalized children, with a focus on girls, who now serve as community role models.
- Through our Literacy Boost approach, we’re increasing reading comprehension by 12%.
- We’re helping increase school hygiene by up to 67% and attendance by 25%.
- We’re helping achieve 100% enrollment in hundreds of schools across the country.
Protection from harm
- Since 2000, we helped achieve an over 30% reduction in child marriage, from 46% to 10%.
- We’ve so far helped secure the commitment of 30% of local authorities to declaring “child marriage free zones”.
- Our advocacy efforts significantly contributed to Nepal’s legal ban on all forms of child corporal punishment.
Emergency response
- We're still supporting post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction, including rebuilding houses, schools and health facilities.
- We responded to several recent monsoons to help families cope with devastating landslides and flooding.
How to Help Children in Nepal
Support Save the Children’s mission. Donate to help children in Nepal and around the world grow up healthy, educated and safe.
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Join Team Tomorrow and your monthly donation will go toward addressing the needs of children affected by today’s most urgent issues.
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Sources: Facts and statistics have been sourced from Save the Children’s monitoring and evaluation experts, as well as our thought leadership publications, including our Global Childhood Report 2020 and A Catalog of Common Approaches 2020. Other sources include: CIA World Factbook and UNICEF.
*Photo credits: Sandy Maroun, Suzanne Lee / Save the Children, 2015, 2016.