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Children in Vietnam get a glimpse at technological innovation. Photo credit: Accenture/Save the Children 2018.


Innovation has been at the core of Save the Children’s identity since our founding nearly 100 years ago. Today, it’s driving progress as we look forward to the next 100 years of change for children. Now more than ever, thinking and acting differently is essential achieve our ambitious goals for children in today’s rapidly changing world. That’s why, innovators like you joined us in making strategic investments in our proven ability to challenge the status quo, every day, across all areas of our work.

Since then, our experts have generated over 150 ideas. To date, 12 promising innovations have been awarded pilot seed funding. As the leading expert on children with a 120-country global footprint, Save the Children has unparalleled ability to not only develop and test these innovations, but to dramatically scale what works, creating lasting, systemic change for children.

Learn About Our Innovation Breakthroughs for Children

Generous seed funding supports 12 incredible pilot projects around the world, ranging across all of our programmatic areas.
Our Innovation accelerator gives us a platform to leverage the expertise, creativity, and innovative spirit of our staff.

Investment Criteria

Feasibility Assessment

Feasibility Assessment

  • Technical and financial
  • Estimated time to pilot
  • Monitoring and evaluation
Level of Disruption

Level of Disruption

  • Evolutionary vs. revolutionary
  • Systemic change
  • First or second mover
Potential Impact

Potential Impact

  • Increased reach
  • Improved outcomes
  • Sustainable revenue

Partnership Opportunities

Partnerships are critical to all that we do at Save the Children. Our partners provide the skills, networks and resources we need to develop, test, replicate and scale the most promising innovations for children. We invite you to invest in Save the Children, so that together we can realize the breakthroughs and develop the new ideas needed to create lasting, systemic change for children.

You can invest in children by:

1. Underwriting Our Ambition
These investments will underpin the entire breadth of innovations platform. This includes discovering and generating ideas, refining and assessing pilots, and establishing proof-of-concept data and results to finally scale up and replicate proven innovations. These funds will also support the work of our core innovations team, as well as help to invest in and train innovation Champions embedded across Save the Children's organization.

2. Accelerating Projects
Our innovation pipeline surfaces and incubates ideas, and accelerates new approaches and technologies that can meet the needs of the communities in which we work. Funds in this area will help move promising projects across the pipeline stages to ensure that we can test, assess and move new ideas through our pipeline in an ongoing way. We will work with you to find the best fit project-level investment based on your interest in thematic areas, locations and other factors.

3. Advisory & Thought Leadership
We welcome advisory and technical support on innovation. We are actively seeking experts and thought leadership partners across the various technological, training-related or strategic planning areas that are critical to our success. We seek partners who wish to combine cash investment with the core skills that can bring our work to the next level, and build permanent capacity.