Actress Jennifer Garner visits some of the schools where we work. Your donations support these important programs.

In March of 2020, Americans took action for the health of our communities: schools are shut down across the country due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. But 30 million children in the United States go to school not only for learning but also for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner. Kids were stuck at home without access to school lunches, books and, in rural America, computers, broadband, or even print outs from schools that can’t afford paper and ink. They needed help.
That’s why Trustee Jennifer Garner and fellow actor Amy Adams came up with #SAVEWITHSTORIES. In partnership with Save the Children and No Kid Hungry, they offered stories on Instagram and Facebook to provide a little fun, a little education, and a little distraction for kids and parents. Plus, they be challenged people they knew– actors, athletes, musicians, politicians, anyone sitting at home with a book, a phone and a little time on their hands – to join them. Over 100 stories have been read, enabling Save the Children to give food and critical educational resources to nearly 90,000 children in 200 school communities across the country.
Donations to Save the Children and No Kid Hungry helped make sure schools and community programs have the support they need to keep feeding vulnerable children during the pandemic, as well as to provide age-appropriate books, learning activities, games and toys to children whose schools are closed in some of rural America’s poorest communities. In addition, Save the Children launched Coronavirus and Kids: Resources from Save the Children, providing free educational resources and tips for families across America.