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Bushfires are burning across Australia, with particularly intense, dangerous fires in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. The scale and intensity of the bushfires are unprecedented. Photo credit: John Crux Photography.

Children's Emergency Fund
Nobody knows when the next crisis will strike, but your support helps Save the Children provide assistance in the critical first hours and days of an emergency when children need us most. When generous people like you make your 100% tax-deductible gift, children's lives are saved and their futures are brighter.

Facts and Figures: Australian Bushfires

Dangerous and severe bushfires continue to burn across Australia with unprecedented intensity. Every day, more and more vulnerable children and families are displaced as their homes and communities are engulfed by flames and fall to dust.

Save the Children is working, day and night, in southern New South Wales and eastern Victoria to support children and families affected by the wildfires. In evacuation shelters, we are providing a safe and supportive environment for children through our child-friendly spaces. In our child-friendly spaces, our trained and caring experts help children cope with traumatic events, such as the loss of home, school and community, by giving them a place to rest, play and simply be kids again, free from the chaos and turmoil outside their door.

Your support today with a donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund can help our teams deliver lifesaving aid to children and families, including those in Australia, around the world and right here in the United States. Nobody knows when the next crisis will strike, but your support helps Save the Children provide assistance in the critical first hours and days of an emergency when children need us most

Please donate today.

Learn more about the ongoing Australian bushfires and how you can help vulnerable children.

FAQs: What you need to know about Australian bushfires

What is the scale of the Australian bushfires?
How many children have been affected by the Australian bushfires?
How is Save the Children responding to the Australian bushfires?
How can I help children and families impacted emergencies?

What is the scale of the Australian bushfires?

Bushfires are burning across Australia, with particularly intense, dangerous fires in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. The scale and intensity of the bushfires are unprecedented.

Nearly 15 million acres of land has been burnt to the ground. Approximately 1,400 homes have been destroyed.

Access to the most affected communities remains extremely limited, with roads and airport closures preventing immediate access. Food, water and fuel shortages continue to create a dire situation for those in need.

How many children have been affected by the Australian bushfires?

Tragically, close to 30 people have lost their lives as a result of the fires.

An unknown number of children have been displaced from their communities, with those exposed to trauma and the stress of evacuation still processing this life-altering disaster.

As expected, many schools have been periodically suspended to ensure that children are safe. In addition to missing out on critical days of learning, out-of-school children can experience additional hardships if they depend on school for supplementary meals and care.

How is Save the Children responding to the Australian bushfires?

As the global leader in child-focused humanitarian response, Save the Children has created more safe spaces for children in emergencies than any other humanitarian organization.

Currently, we have established child-friendly spaces in Wagga Wagga in southern New South Wales and in Bairnsdale in eastern Victoria. Both spaces will provide support and relief to children and families in the surrounding areas affected by the wildfires.

How can I help children and families impacted by emergencies?

Nobody knows when the next crisis will strike, but your support helps Save the Children provide assistance in the critical first hours and days of an emergency when children need us most. When generous people like you make your 100% tax-deductible gift, children's lives are saved and their futures are brighter.

Donate to the Children's Emergency Fund today.