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Tim Daniel poses for a photograph. Retired Dallas engineer Tim Daniel has been sponsoring girls and boys through Save the Children in the Philippines and Bangladesh for 15 years. Photo credit: Save the Children 2019.

Tim Daniel 

Investing in a Better Future for Children

Retired Dallas engineer Tim Daniel has been sponsoring girls and boys through Save the Children in the Philippines and Bangladesh for 15 years. During that time, he has also been a globetrotter, having traveled throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe and South America for work and pleasure. In late September, he began a 23-day boat trip from San Diego to Australia, where he indulged his passion for reading history and visiting cultural sites.

One of his more memorable trips involved meeting his sponsored child Roshel-An and her family in a community south of Manila in the Philippines. "I was impressed by the well-designed Save the Children programs, and I noted how modest sponsorship contributions made large differences in the lives of the children," Tim says.

Roshel-An was only 4 or 5 years old when they met. Her parents told Save the Children staff that she was so nervous the night before the visit that she couldn't sleep. Tim was impressed by the strength of her family. "Roshel-An's father was an itinerant fisherman who hired out daily to work on the boats, which were docked near their home." Tim recounts that a Save the Children staff member took him to a community center where he met Roshel-An and her family. He also visited her school, which was supported by Save the Children.

When prompted by the passing of his father to do his own estate planning, Tim unhesitatingly included Save the Children in his will. "I don't have children," he says, "but I believe that if given a chance, children in the developing world and low-income areas of the U.S. can do well. I included Save the Children in my plans because I knew my money would be spent efficiently and would clearly benefit future generations."

Tim says that leaving Save the Children in his plans is a worthwhile investment - one that will create greater opportunities for many disadvantaged children in the years to come.

Join Tim Daniel in providing children a strong start in life. Contact the Planned Giving team at [email protected] for details on how the simple act of including Save the Children in your will or other financial plans can transform children’s lives and futures.

By including a gift to Save the Children in your will or other estate plan, you qualify for membership in the Eglantyne Jebb Society. Learn more about this inspirational group of supporters.