Our Favorite Children's Books
Save the Children is committed to childhood learning and making sure we provide parents with helpful resources. Here we highlight some of our booklists that celebrate specific days, months and occasions. Please take a look below to see some of our favorites.
Black History Month Reading List
There are so many times to celebrate black authors from Black History Month to Juneteenth and throughout the year! These staff favorites make for excellent reads all year long. Read More
Reading List of Books that Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage
In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we're sharing children's books that offer positive, diverse representations of Asian American and Pacific Islander history and culture. Enjoy them all year long! Read More
Refugee Experience Reading List
World Refugee Day is an international day organized every year on June 20th by the United Nations. It is designed to celebrate and honor refugees from around the world. This year in celebration of World Refugee Day our staff has hand-picked children's books that highlight the refugee experience. Read More