Global Policy and Advocacy Resources
Department of Public Policy and Advocacy
Save the Children’s Public Policy and Advocacy Department develops evidence-based policy proposals to improve the lives of the world’s most excluded and vulnerable children. We contribute to informing policy makers and building the political will to drive meaningful policy change at the local, national and international levels to empower children and their families. Our research and advocacy draw from the evidence generated by our programs in 120 countries around the world and through our partnerships with government, the private sector and civil society.

Gender Equality
- Big Ideas for Women and Girls Coalition First 100 Days for Gender Equality
- Through HER Eyes: Girls' take on the Bejing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) in the Arab Region, 25 Years Later
- Addressing Data Gaps on Child, Early and Forced Marriage in Humanitarian Settings
- Every Last Girl: Free to Live, Free to Learn, Free from Harm
- Save the Children Gender Equality Policy: Transforming Inequalities, Transforming Lives
- Investing in Girls: Realizing Gender Equality Through Fair Finance for Girls
- Corporate CEO Letter Calling for Appointments of Gender Leadership Positions
- Too Young to Wed: The growing problem of child marriage among Syrian girls in Jordan
- Ending Child Marriage: Child Marriage Laws and Their Limitations
- Community Letter to President Biden and VP Harris on Ending Child Marriage

Humanitarian Response
- Five Years of Fear and Loss
- Dangerous Delay 2: The Cost of Inaction
- Build Forward Better: 2022 Briefing
- Breaking Point Afghanistan: Children's Lives One Year Under Taliban Rule
- Anywhere but Syria
- Advancing Justice for Children
- "My Future Looks Bleak:" Children’s Lives One Year Since the Taliban Take-over
- "I Used to Love School:" The Gendered Impacts of Attacks on Education in Syria
- Gender, Age and Conflict
- Humanitarian Plan 2022
- Beyond the Shadow Pandemic
- A Better Tomorrow: Syria’s Children Have Their Say
Stop the War on Children
- "Remember the Armed Men Who Wanted to Kill Mum?"
- No Safe Haven: The Plight of Rohingya Children Across Asia
- No Place is Safe in Yemen
- When Am I Going to Start to Live
- Stop the War on Children a Crisis of Recruitment
- Stop the War on Children 2020: Gender Matters
- Stop the War on Children 2019
- The War on Children 2018
- Supporting Child-Focused Recovery: Helping Children Heal from Conflict
Governance, Finance, and Accountability

Aid Effectiveness
- The Power of Ownership: Transforming US Foreign Assistance
- Local Engagement Assessment Framework: A Practitioner’s Guide to Integrating Country Ownership
Governance and Accountability
- Fragile Progress: The Record of the Millennium Development Goals in States Affected by Conflict, Fragility, and Crisis
- From Words to Action: USAID’s Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Tracking USAID’s Efforts on the Local Solutions Initiative: A Review of Select Procurements in Six Countries
- Emerging Consensus: Building Agreement for the Post-2015 Agenda
- Enabling the Exercise of Civil and Political Rights: The Views of Children
Development Finance
- Building Resilient Health Financing in the Wake of COVID-19 Report
- Taxation with Representation: Citizens as Drivers of Accountable Tax Policy
- U.S. Government Investments that Give Everyone A Fair Chance
- Child Rights Governance: Missed Taxation Opportunities to Improve Investment in Children in Africa: Case analysis of Kenya, Sierra Leone and Zambia
- Tax and Child Rights Guide
- It’s Global Tax Season, What Role for Citizens?
- Citizen Voices in Tax Reform: The Need For Evidence From The Developing World
- Global Politics is Basically Anarchic – We're Ruled by the Law of the Jungle

Every Last Child Campaign
- Every Last Child Campaign: The End of Childhood Report 2018
- End of Childhood Report: Growing up Rural in America
US Federal Budget and Appropriations
Maternal and Child Health and Survival
- Building Resilient Health Financing in the Wake of COVID-19 Report
- Investing in Maternal and Child Health: Development Impact Bonds
- Fighting for Breath: A call to Action on Childhood Pneumonia
Food Security and Nutrition
- NGO Statement of Support: Strengthening US Food Assistance Programs
- Save the Children 2018 Farm Bill and Food Security Policy
- Global Food Security and Nutrition Backgrounder
- Nutrition Boost: Why the World Needs a Step Change in Finance for Nutrition – and How it can be Achieved?
- NGO Sign-on Letter: Urging Strong U.S. Commitments at Nutrition for Growth 2021