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Your support helps keep children safe, healthy and learning.

Together, we ensure children have the resources and opportunities they need - for their best chance at a bright future. 

See your impact in action now by clicking to read the Summer Progress Report!

For New Members

Learn how Leadership Circle members support Save the Children’s programs in the U.S. and around the world. 

Stories from the World’s Leading Expert on Childhood

Thanks to the generous support of people like you, we're changing children's lives and the future we all share.


At a time when more than half of the world’s refugees are children amidst so much conflict and crisis, our work to help child refugees is more important than ever.


This dedicated dad in Zambia is helping his son recover from cholera, along with a doctor at a Save the Children-supported treatment unit. Learn more about the health facilities and initiatives your support makes possible.


Summer is so hard for too many children around the world. Because of poverty and inequality, they’re missing out on the bright futures they deserve. It’s time we make summer fair.       

Share Your Passion

Over 100 years ago, Save the Children’s pioneering founder established that children have rights. Today, we champion the rights of the world’s 2.3 billion children. Join us!



Surpasing the two-year mark of war in Ukraine has serious implcations on children. See the impact of your support firsthand, send a message to congress, or read the latest report all on our updated interactive webpage.   


If you haven’t attended a virtual Journeys With Us excursion to a faraway land – or even right here in the great state of Washington – we encourage you to check one out as soon as you can.


With so many challenges facing kids today – from conflict, displacement and climate disasters to hunger and education gaps in America – they need strong voices of support. Will you speak up on their behalf?

Give Through Your Donor-Advised Fund

Did you know you can make a grant recommendation to Save the Children through your donor-advised fund right from our website?

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